Understanding your child’s personality could be your secret weapon in establishing a stress-free routine that truly works. Amy explores the crucial interplay between your child’s unique traits and their daily school routine.
She encourages parents to answer these questions:
● How can understanding our child’s personality improve their back-to-school experience?
● What are effective strategies we can use to help our children transition back into school routines?
● How can we balance the need for structure with our child’s need for flexibility and downtime?
● What role does negotiation and buy-in from the child play in establishing successful school routines?
● How can we adapt routines to minimize stress and opposition from their children during the school year?
Discover how parents can effectively use their knowledge of their child’s character to build routines that not only support academic success but also nurture mental wellbeing. Amy emphasizes the need for parents to act as facilitators rather than enforcers, tailoring strategies to their children’s needs. The episode offers practical advice on establishing a balanced routine that accommodates both the child’s and the parent’s needs, ultimately reducing stress and enhancing the school year experience for everyone involved.
“It’s about trial and error… We might have to try something different… (when) you know your child’s personality, then we can put some other structure around that personality.” – Amy Head
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Podcast Produced by Pat Fenner – Eagles Wings Services