Today Amy continues outlining what it truly means to commit to self-care, using the acronym SELF-CARE.
In last week’s episode, she began by digging into the letters S and E. You can listen to it here.
And moving forward, today she talks about the letters L and F.
“L” Stands for Learning to Breathe:
Our breath is a process that takes care of ourselves 24/7. But when we attend to it, when we breathe mindfully, it can change our entire body towards better health! Amy describes a few useful techniques that you can use to decrease stress, increase oxygen flow, and improve your overall mindset.
“F” Stands for Finding Time for YOU:
What messages are you giving your brain? As days, weeks, and months pass, by giving yourself last place – always serving others first and prioritizing other’s needs – the message is: “I am not worthy of the commitment or have enough value to give any priority to my needs and my growth.” Ouch!
“You deserve and need to be the most important appointment on your calendar – daily.”
~ Amy
Key Takeaways:
- Self-value is a non-negotiable commitment: Dedicating time to yourself sends a strong message to our brain about our inherent value. Highlighting that self-care and self-value must be unwavering and prioritized to effectively care for others and fulfill our commitments.
- Schedule your self-care: Making time for yourself, despite life’s demands, emphasizes the importance of seeing yourself as valuable and deserving of care and attention. Treat yourself as your most important client or a required meeting.
- Overcoming underconnection to self: This means you are overly committed to external obligations. This underconnection is described as misvaluation, where everything and everyone else is perceived as more valuable than oneself, which is both damaging and inaccurate.
- Self-care is empowering!
What takeaway or concept resonated the most with YOU?
We’ll see you next week, when Amy continues with the letters C and A!
Did this episode touch a chord? Reach out to Amy and get a conversation started:
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- On Facebook – NewPerspectivesForLifeLLC – @newperspectivesforlifellc