Today Amy wraps up the series – outlining what it truly means to commit to self-care, using the acronym SELF-CARE – by digging into what the letters R and E stand for…
“R” Stands for Rest:
Whether or not you feel you need rest, your brain needs it! The only time your brain has the opportunity to turn off is when you sleep, whether it’s at night, or just a short, daytime nap. And did you know your brain won’t do that on its own? It’s wired to work hard for you all the time – so ensuring that you (and your brain) gets good rest really IS “on you.”
“E” Stands for Engage Empowered Thinking:
This is thinking that moves you forward and focuses on your accomplishments, abilities, strengths, etc. Unfortunately, however, you often focus on your faults, flaws, and shortcomings. So this must be an intentional shift.
“If we can (reflect on) actual accurate thoughts that are empowering, then the negative …doesn’t have as much power over our entire mindset because we’ve added…balance”
~ Amy
Key Takeaways:
- There are so many benefits to rest: It not only gives your brain a break, it allows you to replenish your energy and allows your subconscious to process/evaluate/and problem-solve.
- Empowered thinking takes strategy and practice. With repetition, and over time, the brain begins to recognize these statements and you can use them to move forward when you’re feeling stuck.
- For more help with this, check out Affirmations with a Twist – an 8-part series of fact-based affirmations that your mind can’t dispute!
- Stress is one of the biggest barriers to self-care! Stress can, at times, be beneficial. But check yourself with this question: “Am I managing my stress or do I feel like…stress is managing me away from who I am, what I want to do, who I want to be, or how I want to behave?”
What takeaway or concept resonated the most with YOU?
Catch up on the beginning of this series by listening to:
- Episode 17 – Embracing a Commitment to Self-Care, Part 1 – S, E
- Episode 18 – Embracing a Commitment to Self-Care, Part 2 – L, F
- Episode 19 – Embracing a Commitment to Self-Care, Part 3 – C, A
Did this episode touch a chord? Reach out to Amy and get a conversation started:
- Via email –
- On Facebook – NewPerspectivesForLifeLLC –
- On Instagram – @newperspectivesforlifellc
Podcast Produced by Pat Fenner – Eagles Wings Services